Amazing Wedding tips from a Wedding Planner!

Here’s some tips you can’t miss from your Wedding Planner.
  1. Make sure the decor compliments your outfits and not overshadows it behind the flowers, lights & colours.
  2. Make a Complete list of  Vidhi/Ritual Samagry/Essentials and give it to a local pooja shop in advance so it comes ready right in a box directly at the venue.
  3. Make a proper list of pickup items like real flowers, varmala, outfits, jewelry, etc. any big or small things needed on the day of your wedding/event and allocate it to someone in specific so you are stress free about it.
  4. Don’t over-burden any one person unless they are professionals who are accustomed to handle all the responsibilities.
  5. Keep a battery fan handy. You will need it 10x more than you think. (Even in winters)
  6. Plan a series of photographs and give everyone the detailed photographic itinerary to the ones who need to be present.
  7. Apart from you room/event itinerary make a separate detailed itinerary (digital) for each day and every moment so your guests know what’s happening and where.
  8. Once you hire a professional team, trust them 100% so that you can stay relaxed.
  9. Make sure you DO NOT mind anything going wrong during the flow of events because it’s only going to spoil your mood & photographic captures and you will only repent it later on.
  10. Keep a separate room for yourself at the venue even if you do not sleep/stay in there.
  11. And the most important – give every agency 1 hour prior timings so your setup, sound, all the checks are done before you use the venue.
Get in touch with us on 9512853885 for weaving your best moments!!

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admin June 21, 2021

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